Penny A. Zeller's Blog

Friday, November 21, 2008

Thankful With an Exclamation Point!

As I was driving down a busy street to the grocery store today, I glanced in my rearview mirror. A white pickup truck was dangerously close to the backend of my vehicle and was driving in an erratic and swerving manner. I watched and prayed as the white truck appeared confused at where it should be on the road and as the driver "pretended" not to see my looming SUV in front of him. Because I was trapped between the pickup and the line of cars in front of me and beside me, there would be nowhere to go if the pickup decided to crash into the back of me.

Fortunately, I approached the turning lane and removed myself from the path of the pickup truck. As I turned into the grocery store parking lot, I realized how something I hadn't given much thought to - driving to the store - could have turned out to have distastrous effects. I thanked God that He had kept me safe even while I was driving a mere two and a half miles from my home.

Sometimes we forget to thank God for the small things. We remember the big things...the time He healed us from a serious illness; the time we arrived safely to a destination by plane; the time a loved one finally made the decision for Christ. But sometimes, we forget the "small" everyday things He does for us. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I thought it would be appropriate to touch on that topic.

My youngest daughter, Doodle, has just started reading. I love to listen as she sounds out the words and reads her chapter book for homework, followed by her beginning reader's Bible each night. One thing I especially love is that when she sees an exclamation point at the end of a sentence, she says it with such feeling and expression. Her voice raises, her smile widens, and she reads with such enthusiasm. If she doesn't see the exclamation point right off, she "rewinds" and reads the sentence again with the proper emotion, then giggles as she does so. I delight in listening almost as much as she delights in reading! Books have become so much more exciting when Doodle reads them. I'm so thankful she and Sunshine are both becoming such proficient readers.

Doodle's reading reminded me of how I should thank God with enthusiasm. Big things or minor things, I should thank Him with emotion that says I have a grateful and humbled heart toward His many blessings.

Lon recently returned from a business trip to Texas and as I heard him pull into the driveway, I thanked God for his safe return. I reminded myself that I need to thank God for this not just the day Lon returned home safely, but for days to come. As I put my children in bed last night, I thanked the Lord for keeping them safe and for allowing me the greatest earthly presents - to be a wife and a mother. As I ate lunch today at my daugthers' school during hot lunch, I thanked God that no one choked or had any severe allergic reactions. Each morning, I spend time in prayer and thank the Lord for letting me wake up for yet another day to bring glory to Him and His Kingdom. I even thanked God yesterday that I don't drive a school bus for a living. Since I have a depth perception problem, this could have serious consequences (for more info, see the Big Trucks entry).

So today (and everyday) I encourage you to give thanks to the Creator for a multitude of things that He has done for you. Can you walk? Thank Him - many are confined to wheelchairs. Can you talk? Thank Him. Many can't. Can you read? Thank Him. Even in the U.S. we have a literacy problem. Did you wake up this morning? Thank Him that you have another day to spend serving the One who sent His Son for you. Did you make it to work/school safely today? Thank Him for that. Many vehicle accidents happen everyday and you could have been involved in one. Did you kids and spouse return home safely after a day at work or school? Thank Him for keeping the ones you love most safe. Do you have family and friends who love you? Thank Him. Many are alone. Are you healthy or somewhat healthy? Thank Him. Many are suffering from life-threatening illnesses. And finally, do you belong to Him? Thank Him. Many in today's world still don't know the eternal life found through Jesus Christ our Savior.

I am vowing to thank God with all my heart. And just like Doodle who reads the sentences with the exclamation points with such enthusiasm, I vow to be grateful with an exclamation point as well!

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Monday, November 17, 2008

Mom Brain Overload

Last week was an especially hectic week. Not that most of my weeks are calm and peaceful, but this past week included extra duties, ailing extended family members, deadlines, and an added dose of stress. Thankfully I continue to draw upon that verse in the Bible that says I can do anything through Christ who gives me strength (even get through crazily hectic weeks!!!)

As I headed out the door to pick my girls up from school, I remembered at the last minute that they had a basketball game right after school. As such, they wouldn't be able to come home and get changed before the game. So I grabbed their jerseys and sweatpants. Glancing at the shoe holder by the front door, I remembered I also needed to take them their basketball shoes. I grabbed Doodle's basketball shoes then reached for Sunshine's shoes. Finally, with a full armload, I climbed in our SUV feeling rather proud of myself that I had actually remembered the basketball game considering the type of week it had been and it was only Tuesday.

I reached the school and greeted my girls before handing them their basketball gear. "We have about five minutes, girls, before we have to be at the game," I said.

Sunshine took her jersey and sweatpants and nodded. When I handed her her basketball shoes, she gasped in horror. "Mom! These are TWO different shoes!!!"

I looked down at the mismatched shoes she held in her hands. One was a basketball shoe while the other was a school shoe. I saw the clock and knew there was no way we had time to go all the way back home and exchange the shoes. I noted that thankfully the shoes were both the same height so there would be no sprained ankles. "Sunshine, can you just wear those? We don't have time to go home first. If we do, we'll be late."

Sunshine's face held a look of terror before she finally responded, "Ok, Mom." If there is one thing that is Sunshine's pet peeve, it's that she HATES to be late. She's a very punctual little girl, which is helpful in a family full of last-minute unpunctuals.

"Thank goodness I didn't grab one of Dad's and one of yours," I said laughing, always trying to keep a positive outlook on things.

Sunshine wasn't convinced, but gracefully took the shoes and began to put them on. Although I was thankful I'd brought the right shoes for Doodle, I still felt bad about Sunshine having to wear two different ones. I saw one of my dear friends in the school hallway and explained the situation to her.

"Don't feel too bad," she told me. "I forgot to bring Pickles our cat for show and tell today." Her son was crying and she felt so bad over her forgotten task.

"I think our mom brains are just on overload," I told her. I thought to myself the direness of her situation. Two unmatching shoes - pardonable. Forgetting Pickles for show and tell - unforgivable! "I don't think I can even get one more detail into this crowded brain of mine," I continued.

She nodded in agreement and promised to bring Pickles for the next show and tell as she wiped the tears from her precious son's eyes.

I'm always amazed that we moms get as much accomplished as we do. I always amazed we are actually functioning at all with all that we have on our minds. I always thank God we manage to get out of the door and to school each morning as that in itself is a feat. I suppose there's a reason why I take great pride in to-do lists and even more pride in getting to cross off an accomplished task.

My next book with Beacon Hill Press is written especially for moms and discusses things like brain overload and disorganization. How could I write such a book? I've been there and I'm still there. I've forgotten to put the lunch meat on my husband's sandwiches before. I've forgotten to drop off the overdue books at the library. I've forgotten to pay a bill. Yep, I've forgotten many tasks, but when I think about all that I have actually remembered to do in my hectic life, I'm amazed and thankful. Now if I can just remember to wear matching shoes myself...

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Thursday, November 6, 2008

10 Things to Do This Week

Need some ideas of things to do this week - things that are out of the ordinary and not just the day to day drudgery? How about the following:

1. Memorize a Scripture verse. Yes, you can do it. Pick one that is not too long and say it a couple times each day in the coming week. Joshua 24:15, Jeremiah 29:11, John 3:16 are all good ones to start with and you probably already know them anyway!

2. Leave your spouse a note. Lon and I leave each other notes each morning. Since he leaves for work an hour and a half before I even contemplate waking up, this fun idea works well. The note doesn't have to be a long one - short ones can be just as effective. You can write serious notes, sweet notes, passionate notes, complimentary ones or silly notes. This morning, I was all out of ideas, so I merely wrote, "Have a day. I love you." Other times, I have just drawn a silly picture (no, I'm not an artist, but I can draw REALLY good smiley faces!) and asked him to guess who it was. After 16 years of marriage, he's pretty good at guessing my caricatures! Amazingly enough, some of them actually do look realistic!

3. Snuggle your kids and read to them. Even if your kids are older, snuggle up with them and read them a story. Even my young daughter who reads at a teenage reading level loves to be read to. When you're done snuggling and reading, tell you kids the things you love about them most and don't leave anything out!

4. Encourage someone. Pray God will give you an idea to encourage someone who's having a difficult time or needs a pick-me-up. Check out my book "77 Ways Your Family Can Make a Difference" for some ideas of encouragement.

5. Commit to praying for someone all week. It's truly amazing to see how powerful prayer is. Pick a family member, friend, or even the homeless person you saw near the gas station yesterday and begin praying for them every day for a week. Caution: it may become a habit!

6. Do something really silly. Put on a fake accent when you go shopping today and watch other customers as you speak to your children ala an English, Australian, Southern accent (or Northern accent if you're already blessed with one of those really cool and neat Southern accents). When my sister, Becky, and I were young teens, our parents took us on vacation. Throughout Nevada on our way to Disneyland, everywhere we stopped, Becky and I had different accents. The looks on others' faces was priceless and we knew they pondered where we were from. Rope your kids into this and double the fun. Lon will sometimes put on a Southern accent and when people ask him where he's from, he'll answer the South. When they ask what part of the South, he proudly answers Southern Idaho!

7. Get a massage. The first time my mom bought me a gift certificate for a massage, I was hesitant. After all, I am a modest gal. However, after going just that once, I became hooked. Massages are good for circulation, stress, and they help you sleep better at night. If you can swing it, get one for your best friend too.

8. Paint your nails. Still a little girl at heart, I love to try out new nail polishes. If you have daughters, make a salon session out of it and paint their nails too. Oh, and don't forget the toenails.

9. Call someone you haven't talked to in a long time. Time goes by sooooo fast. My oldest daughter was just telling me this morning that she couldn't believe how fast January 2008 (10 months ago) went. I don't even remember January 2008! Make it a point to call someone near and dear to you who you haven't been able to find time to call in the last several months. It will mean a lot to both of you, I promise.

10. Go for a walk. Nothing puts a new perspective on things than going for a walk, especially an outdoor walk in the midst of God's amazing creation. Take your kids along and marvel at caterpillars, the changing leaves on the trees, or the rock formations on a mountain hike. If it's cold outside, head to an indoor track and race your spouse, kids, or friends around the track by skipping, jumping, and running backwards.

There you have it - 10 ideas for different things to do this week and some of the above things are even nicer when they're done more than once!

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