Penny A. Zeller's Blog

Friday, September 19, 2008

Things Kids Say

I promise I will write about the silly shoe story in my next blog, but today, I want to talk about those silly things kids say. My nephew prompted me to write about this today when he called me on the phone just a few minutes ago. He lives about 1300 miles away and is the cutest little six-year-old boy in the world. He's also quite comical. "Aunt Penny, did you know I lost two teeth?" he asked me.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yep. And I named my new ones Spike and Spikey. Spike is all grown in, but Spikey is still a baby."

I laughed at the thought of my nephew naming his new teeth. He made my day with his sweet creativeness!

A few years ago, when my daughter Doodle was a toddler, she informed me that the Israelites in the Old Testament had sinned against God by worshipping Pistachios. She loves airplanes and as a toddler would also gaze into the sky when we'd hear an airplane and say excitedly, "Pippens!"

When my oldest daughter Sunshine was first learning to talk, her first word was "Arnold," the name of our female pet Chihuahua dog. She later called shoes "ishes." "Mama, put on ishes?" She would ask whenever we were heading out the door. She loves horses and so one of her earliest words was the word she used for horses, "hees."

Another precious thing I love is when little ones begin to read. Doodle is still on those first-reader books and as I listened to her read "Frog and Toad" last night for homework, I thought to myself that those times of sounding out words only comes once and then kids are quickly on to reading bigger and thicker books. I already miss the fact that Sunshine has moved on to Nancy Drew and Trixie Belden.

Times with little ones is soooo precious. They are only little once and it seems as time passes, the days go by faster and faster. Thank the Lord for children and the joy they bring into our lives!

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